Restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and make [us] willing to obey you.

By Greg Yee, Superintendent, PacNWC

Psalm 51:12

Our human stuff is exhausting: virulent diseases, corruption, destruction of decency, our racialized society, greed… We are overwhelmed with 24/7 news cycles, endless commentary, social media saturation… There are so many voices, so many perspectives, so many agendas.  Lord, help us to hear your voice and yours alone. Like King David, we know that we will not be able to hear you until we surrender ourselves and ask for your forgiveness. 

Lord, restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and make [us] willing to obey you.

The joy of your salvation does not come from everything being stable, safe, or bountiful.  Help us to not confuse discomfort or disruption as not from you.  The Spirit shines the bright light of Creator on hidden and disregarded places.  This is often disconcerting and disorienting.  Lord, create in us clean hearts; teachable spirits that desire to live in your revealing light.  Forgive us for our judgmental hearts and our dependence upon human voices rather than yours.  Help us to be avid students of your scripture and good listeners in our prayers.  Come Holy Spirit, come.  Shine your light on us. 

Lord, restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and make [us] willing to obey you.

We see your salvation in Revelation.  It gives us hope.  There will no longer be any sorrow, suffering, or death. You are making all things new. Every language, ethnicity, and nation will be recognized and honored as you intended.  We hold onto images of the river of life flowing down from your throne, and by this river will be trees whose leaves will be for the healing of the nations.  We need those leaves, Lord.  We join creation in groaning for your return, Lord Jesus.  Come Jesus, come! 

Lord, restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and make [us] willing to obey you.

But right now with all of the exhausting human stuff, we need you desperately, Lord.  There’s still so much to learn.  And with that, we recognize the gift you bless us with; each other to enter holy spaces of mutual learning and listening.  Help us to draw nearer and not push away.  You ask us to lay our lives down for each other.  Save us from our indifference and help us to love our neighbors.  You ask us to join you in your work of the gospel that flows out of the power of the resurrection and the church birthed by nothing less than your Holy Spirit.  Help us to not reduce your work to stuff that just makes us feel comfortable. May we find holy resolve to wholly dedicate ourselves to the renewing and restorative work you are doing in lives and in this world.  Create in us clean hearts, O God.  Renew in us a steadfast spirit. 

Lord, restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and make [us] willing to obey you.