PNW Youth Ministry Cohort Reflection

By Becca McNurney, Youth Director, Alive Covenant Church

What a year in youth ministry!! I have had so many great experiences this year, getting to know the kids involved in my youth group, their parents, our community partners, and of course other youth pastors who are passionate about letting kids know God’s love for them. 

Having the opportunity to be a part of the Pacific Northwest Cohort had a large part of my first year of ministry being successful. The experience was not only valuable to my ministry, my spiritual formation, but my confidence in taking on a new job with a lot of different and very important responsibilities. This cohort was a safe place for me to be vulnerable and share what was going on with my students and get feedback, but also share what was going on in my life.

Our cohort was diverse in many ways. We all had very different student populations, different levels of education, locations of the covenant churches we represent throughout the PNW, and length of experience as youth pastors. The best part is that these differences were celebrated. 

Our meetings were something I looked forward to each quarter. We spent time together at YWC, and at Cascades multiple times for overnight trips. Together we got to share what was going on in our ministry and our lives. Our time together was a safe place to be vulnerable, and intentional. I experienced a lot of growth because of these focused sessions. 

I’m so grateful for this opportunity. As a first year youth pastor my cohort uplifted, taught, and mentored me. I looked forward to each of our meetings whether they were in person or over google chat. It was so nice to know that I had a place where I could ask questions and get feedback. I am so glad that I did because it helped me plan and execute many events and youth nights while avoiding common mishaps etc because of the tips and advice that my peers shared with me. 

Overall the cohort experience was amazing. I would 100% recommend this experience to all youth pastors whether you are new to the profession, or not. We have so much that we can learn from each other when we commit to being intentional and vulnerable in community with each other. This cohort was such a support for me in my first year of ministry, and provided community and advice for me when I needed it most. I’m so thankful for the experience.

[Click Here] for information on our next Youth Ministry Cohort