Introducing Corey Johnsrud

By Erik Cave, Director of NextGen Ministries, PacNWC

Enjoy this interview with Corey Johnsrud, the new Lead Pastor of Kent Covenant Church.

Corey and Gretchen

What is your personal and ministry background?

I grew up in a small town in Minnesota and have deep Covenant roots. My Great-Grandfather was a Covenant Pastor mostly in Minnesota. Gretchen and I met at North Park University and have been married for 31 years. We have served Covenant churches in 7 different Conferences across the U.S. Our three grown children all live and work in Southern California. My ministry has primarily focused on helping churches move into new seasons of ministry and I love seeing people’s understanding and experience of God’s Kingdom grow in the midst of their current reality.

How can we pray for you?

Please pray for Gretchen’s mom, Diane, as she continues cancer treatments. 

Pray that God’s Spirit would continue to move at KentCov, as we seek to become a reflection of God’s whole Kingdom in Kent.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

My bike, I am an avid cyclist and I love to get out and explore on two wheels. In my first summer here in the PNW (2021), we did our own STP ride and look forward to exploring more of the PNW in the future.

What is the one thing you cannot resist?

Candy. I have an impossible sweet tooth and if candy is around me, I will eat it until I am filled with shame and regret.

What is your greatest fear?

As an Enneagram 5, I think it is supposed to be scarcity and being perceived as incompetent, but really its heights. Just seeing a picture or video of someone on the edge of a high cliff makes me feel nauseous. (It may or may not be true that Gretchen loves to use that fear of heights to torture me!)

What does true leadership mean to you? 

True leadership is enabling people to become the people that God intended them to be.

What is the best book you have ever read?

It is impossible for me to narrow it down to one! So, I will name several of my favorites in different categories: Novel – A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving; Short Story – A River Runs Through It – Norman McLean; Discipleship – The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard; Theology – God the Spirit – Michael Welker

Send Corey an email to welcome him to the conference

Visit Corey’s Facebook Profile

Visit Kent Covenant Church’s Web Page