God with You

By Greg Yee, Superintendent, PacNWC

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. 

Isaiah 9:6-7

As we step into this year’s Advent season we’re not just anticipating Christmas, but anticipating Christ himself.  Advent is the time for Christ-followers to reflect on how we can prepare our hearts and homes for Christ’s birth in the world as it is today.  What does it mean for you to have God with you? 

As we begin our annual pilgrimage to the starry fields and Bethlehem manger, how might we be captured again by this amazing reality – Jesus is God with us?  When I stop to think about this, the idea of the human and divine coming together to live with us blows me away.  “The Chosen” helps us envision how this looks a bit, but how does this look for us in almost 2023? 

Isaiah emphasizes two main thrusts for us.  The prophet first speaks to his contemporaries that were distressed and low on hope. Isaiah wants them to know that God sees them, has not forgotten them, and will come. They desperately needed to change the prevailing despair.  Such a timely word for us today as well.  I pray that you are not allowing despair to prevail.  God is with us, Wonderful Counselor Mighty God, come and be with us who are suffering: our painful losses, disabling diseases, challenging situations, our ever-present brokenness, and sin.   Holy Spirit, comfort the broken-hearted and bring your healing balm. You are here with us. We know that Emmanuel is a daily promise that you move to our broken hearts. 

The prophet also vividly paints that, with zeal, God will begin a reality where His righteousness and justice will never end.  It is a call to treat people rightly with fairness, generosity, and equity. He repeatedly and extensively declared that God’s people should care for the poor and needy, the alien, and foreigners (like baby Jesus fleeing to Egypt).  He calls us to not just convenient charity or easy discipleship, but a whole-life commitment to radical generosity both relationally and materially.  Isaiah declares that God with us is by nature a movement outward.  It’s a movement into our broken world and into people’s lives.  How are you moving out with zeal and generously sharing Christ? 

I pray God’s peace this Advent as He meets you in your challenges and pain and as you share the Peace of your life with others.  I pray God’s hope as you move into your communities and, with zeal, live out God’s righteousness and justice. I pray God’s joy over you as you celebrate the coming of our Messiah.  And I pray you would know God’s lavish love as Emmanuel.  Advent and Christmas blessings!