Expanding Faith at Covenant Men’s Retreat

By Monty Harmon, 2023 Retreat Chair

Cascades Camp and Conference Center continues to provide Covenant Men with a beautiful setting for our retreat.  Keith Ferrin provided four meaningful messages to us as we journeyed through 2 Timothy while focusing on our theme of “Expanding Your Faith by Investing in Others.”  What a blessing to gather again.  About 80 men in all raised money for Alaska Christian College and had a blast with all age groups represented.  How appropriate it was to have sons, fathers, and grandfathers present as we launched into reflecting on the multigenerational nature of Timothy’s family and their sincere faith. 

The days started with a well-attended devotion time and ended in mayhem as the Nerf gun bullets pelted anything that could be a target.  Campfire smores, beef kabobs and brisket sliders complemented the evening snacks table thanks to Rich Puffert (Seattle First Covenant).  Worship was led by Jim Mahugh (Grace Covenant, Olympia) and Gustavo Sandrigo of (Iglesia Latinoamericana, Bellevue, WA).  Gustavo also provided interpretative assistance to our men whose first language is Spanish.  What a great way to end winter with deep Biblical teaching, outdoor activities, and the camp better prepared for the coming season. 

Your Covenant men have their retreat in the Spring so we can help men and the camp come out of hibernation.  We trust you will all go sometime this summer to enjoy God’s Word and His greatest blessing to our conference at the camp near Yelm.  Be sure to save the date for next year’s retreat on March 22-24, 2024.  More information will follow.