Introducing Christian Griffith

By Erik Cave, Director of NextGen Ministries, PacNWC

Enjoy this 8-minute video introducing Christian Griffith, the new Youth Pastor at Encounter Church in Mercer Island, WA. You will learn about Christian’s background on the East Coast, his family (including his dog), and his favorite place.

Reach out to Christain to welcome him at

You can find Christian’s Facebook Profile here.

Christian’s favorite books: Reading While Black, The Color of Compromise, and Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools.

Meet Aaron and Jacqui Crumrine

By Erik Cave, Director of NextGen Ministries, PacNWC

Meet Aaron and Jacqui Crumrine, the new Co-Lead Pastors at Selah Covenant Church. In this ten-minute interview, you will learn about their history and family connection to Selah, their partnership in ministry, and their passion for teaching and motorcycles.

Reach to Aaron and Jacqui:

Visit Selah Covenant Churches website here: Selah Covenant Church | welcome

Superintendent Greg Yee is celebrating 10 years with the Pacific Northwest Conference. We gathered some current and former colleagues to share their congratulations and thanks to Greg.

Featured in this video:

  • Tammy Swanson-Draheim – President, ECC
  • Rob Morhweis – Executive Director, Cascades Camp and Conference Center
  • Rebecca Worl – Chiar – PacNWC Executive Board
  • Kurt Carlson – Former PacNWC Staff
  • Don Robinson – Former PacNWC Staff
  • Peter Sung – Current PacNWC Staff
  • Magdiel Tzec – Current PacNWC Staff
  • David Greenidge – PacNWC Executive Board Member
  • Corey Greaves – Director – Mending Wings
  • Erik Cave – Current PacNWC Staff
  • Dawn Taloyo – Current PacNWC Staff


Expanding Faith at Covenant Men’s Retreat

By Monty Harmon, 2023 Retreat Chair

Cascades Camp and Conference Center continues to provide Covenant Men with a beautiful setting for our retreat.  Keith Ferrin provided four meaningful messages to us as we journeyed through 2 Timothy while focusing on our theme of “Expanding Your Faith by Investing in Others.”  What a blessing to gather again.  About 80 men in all raised money for Alaska Christian College and had a blast with all age groups represented.  How appropriate it was to have sons, fathers, and grandfathers present as we launched into reflecting on the multigenerational nature of Timothy’s family and their sincere faith. 

The days started with a well-attended devotion time and ended in mayhem as the Nerf gun bullets pelted anything that could be a target.  Campfire smores, beef kabobs and brisket sliders complemented the evening snacks table thanks to Rich Puffert (Seattle First Covenant).  Worship was led by Jim Mahugh (Grace Covenant, Olympia) and Gustavo Sandrigo of (Iglesia Latinoamericana, Bellevue, WA).  Gustavo also provided interpretative assistance to our men whose first language is Spanish.  What a great way to end winter with deep Biblical teaching, outdoor activities, and the camp better prepared for the coming season. 

Your Covenant men have their retreat in the Spring so we can help men and the camp come out of hibernation.  We trust you will all go sometime this summer to enjoy God’s Word and His greatest blessing to our conference at the camp near Yelm.  Be sure to save the date for next year’s retreat on March 22-24, 2024.  More information will follow.

Pathway to Gather

By Greg Yee, Superintendent, PacNWC

The Covenant annual meeting agenda is now posted and communications about participation and preparation have ramped up.  The Gather registration deadline is June 18 (Ministerial Association Annual Meeting registration deadline is June 5).

The PacNWC staff was pleasantly surprised that our conference currently has the second-largest number of delegates next to the host and largest conference, the Pacific Southwest.  We are encouraged and proud of our level of investment and concern for our shared life and ministry together.  Overall numbers are over 170% of what was expected in person and online, with two-thirds that will be on-site. 

We continue to follow President Swanson Draheim’s call to a concerted season of prayer.  I want to also call us to fasting as well.  As we are less than one month away, I feel an urgency to add to our occasional or casual prayers.  As Jesus taught that some spiritual realities necessitate prayer AND fasting, I believe that the weight of the issues before us call us to similar attention.  We are considering the involuntary removal of two churches, voting on a new organizational structure for the ECC, initiating the adoption of the Freedom and Responsibility resource paper, and the Ministerial Association is starting a process for their proposal concerning contested credentials.  That’s a lot.  Let’s join in fervent prayer and fasting, my friends.

As I think about Gather, I begin to think about my backyard.  The kids and I did a deep clean of our outdoor space for Mother’s Day.  We power-washed, re-stained the deck, cleared out 10 years of accumulated stuff, and ordered a new outdoor rug and a couple of chairs.  It feels like a new backyard!  Mary was very pleased!

We live in a typical tract home with a small backyard.  A few years ago, Mary had the vision to put in trees, various plants, and bushes to create a more private extended living space.  Last year, we also put in a new paver pathway that has been a game changer for us to keep the diversity of the landscape defined and orderly.  It certainly is much easier to wheel the green bin from the back to the front of the house now. 

As we make our way to Gather, I offer my backyard as an analogy.  My garden is made up of many different varieties of plants and trees:  Japanese Maple, apple, Hydrangeas, Ninebark, Osmanthus, and blueberry pots,  just to name a few.  I liken the Covenant to this; more of a garden.  We are not a uniformly organized single-crop field that’s machined to precise expectations.  Our Covenant garden is diverse in the size and expression of life and ministry.  The ECC has rural, small town, and urban churches.  We have churches using historical liturgies, others that are charismatic, and everything in between.  In our conference we have churches worshipping in English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, and Nepali.  We have churches in each of our state capitols and near all of our major universities.  We have churches in the heart of our agricultural centers and throughout our cities’ suburbs.   

This is all part of the vision God gives us to be a mosaic of churches working interdependently together to transform lives and communities.   We are a stunning garden! 

My analogy isn’t perfect, but as we approach Gather, I sense that we are at a moment when we are questioning the placement and perhaps the type of fence that delineates our beautiful garden. Boundaries, expectations, and vows have been defined and committed to, but we understand our shared life and ministry together as dynamic and continually processed in community in realtime.  We are continually living at the intersection of the timeless truths of scripture applied in the context of an ever-changing missional setting that God places us in. 

There are no easy answers, but I am proud of how we have leaned into each other in our conference.  As I work with our conference pastors, I am grateful for the instincts we have to draw closer to and engage each other.  We fight the temptation to push away or to make unhelpful assumptions.  I am thankful to hear reports of so many of you who have done the same kind of work with the same heart-set in your churches.  We continue to stay committed to building a culture of humility and respect.

How do we communicate and exhibit the love of God (John 13:35; 1 Peter 4:8) to all?  How do live in the world but not be of it (John 17:14-19)?  How do we hold the disruptive message of Christ that presents as an aroma of life to some and an aroma of death to others (2 Cor 2:16)?  How will our unity point all those who see and experience us to Jesus (John 17:10-21)? 

Don’t get the analogy twisted.  Fences are not bad.  We already have them and we most certainly need them.  So, as we continue to work on the placement and type of fence that marks out our garden, I pray that we would find a common path that will help us pour more energy into our core mission together.  I pray that God would transform our exhaustion into joy and excitement.  I pray the realities of Psalm 133 for us – how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live and serve together in unity.  Amen! 

See you in Orange County or online.  I join you in prayer and fasting in these coming weeks. 

Introducing Jill Riley – PacNWC Communications Assistant

By Erik Cave, Director of NextGen Ministries, PacNWC

Enjoy this 8-minute interview with Jill Riley, the new Communications Assistant for the Pacific Northwest Conference. Jill will be working with me to produce the Catch of the Week. Learn about Jill’s ministry, personal, and writing background, her dreams for our content, and how to connect with her with ideas and submissions.

Contact Jill at

Check out Jill’s web page at

Visit Jill’s Facebook Profile

Color Courageous Discipleship with Michelle T. Sanchez

By Erik Cave, Director of NextGen Ministries, PacNWC

Enjoy this 10-minute interview with Michelle T. Sanchez, author of Color-Courageous DiscipleshipColor-Courageous Discipleship Student Edition, and the picture book, God’s Beloved Community. Michelle also serves as the Executive Minister for Make and Deepen Disciples. In this interview, you will learn about Michelle’s role in the ECC, what inspired her to write this book, how the Journey to Mosaic experience of the PacNWC is featured in the book and her hopes for individuals and groups who read it.

Coming soon: discover resources your entire church can use including sermon/teaching outlines (tailored for Covenant churches), Bible reading plans, PowerPoint slides, small group questions, handouts, a children’s activity kit, and more. Look below for links for more information, how to get your own copy of Color-Courageous Discipleship, and contact info for Michelle.


Text Updates: Send “courage” to 44144

Contact Michelle at

Happy New Years!

By Greg Yee, Superintendent, PacNWC

Happy New Years! I trust you were able to avoid the weather and travel craziness these past two weeks and that you had a safe and wonderful Christmas and close to 2022. We will be sending out my annual letter to churches for your semi/annual meetings soon. I am including it here in The Catch to add to our distribution: 

On behalf of the conference executive board and staff, New Year’s blessings to you as you gather for your semi-annual/annual meetings. We pray that this year has started with a palpable and enduring sense of God’s presence and power; that whatever you may be facing, your faith is stretching and your hope deepening. We pray that you continue to witness the guidance of the Spirit as you pray and discern as you follow Jesus. During these reorienting and sometimes very challenging times, may God richly bless you and give you all the gifts of the Spirit needed for all that God calls you into. May you continually draw from his abundance.

Every year I am reminded again of the gift we have within the incredibly diverse collection of 75 churches and over 180 ministers that make up the conference. From Bellingham to Eugene and from Cannon Beach to Helena, we partner together to support each and explore new ministry opportunities.  We start new churches together like we currently are in Bellevue, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, and Boise (yes we’re back in Idaho!). God is continuing to guide us together into our gospel vision to be a mosaic of churches working interdependently together to transform lives and communities.  Thank you for your partnership in all of this and for what you bring to the beautiful tapestry that is the PacNWC.

This year’s annual meeting will be April 27-29 in Spokane hosted by 3 churches. This will be a hybrid meeting, but we hope that you join us in person as we are planning different opportunities to experience Spokane and enjoy the many wonderful offerings in the Lilac City. For ministers, we are also adding an extra day for a special continuing ed and fun time together. Thursday, the ministerium will meet at The Gathering House (previously First Spokane). Friday meetings, workshops, meals, and our prayer/worship time will be at City Covenant (previously Communitas). And our annual meeting will be Saturday at Immanuel. I’m already looking forward to being together. Hope to see you there!

God bless you as you embark on this new year. We are deeply grateful for your partnership and look forward to what God will lead us into together.

Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day!

1 Chronicles 16:23

Great is His Faithfulness,

Greg Yee, Superintendent

Prepare Him Room

By Dawn Taloyo, Associate Superintendent, PacNWC

I was introduced to a new (to me) song this past Sunday during Trinity Covenant Church’s 4th Advent service: “Prepare Him Room” by Dave Fournier and Rebecca Elliott (2014). The title and chorus have remained with me through the week. I do a lot of preparing during this season. Two family members have birthdays this month in addition to THE Birthday celebration we are all preparing for. With all the shopping and planning and cooking and wrapping, I often feel like I’m barely catching my breath during the month of December. This year included the challenge of travel, a husband in school, and a daughter in wrestling practice until 6 pm every night. Many of our typical Advent traditions have gone missing.

But, in the quiet moments I found this morning, I meditated on these words from Mary: “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true.” (NLT)

My mind went to imagining what kind of presence Mary must have had that she could respond in this way. Granted, the text also says she was troubled and perplexed. That I understand. Yet, at the same time, she was able to hear the Angel’s reassurance and special message. There was room for both. There was room in her heart, mind, and soul to receive and respond to this amazing and life-changing announcement. Am I in such a place?

I particularly love the New Living Translation’s rendering of Mary’s response. There was room because first, Mary knew her identity: I am the Lord’s servant. She belonged to the Lord. She was devoted to the Lord. That was clear.

Second, Mary was willing. With a heart and posture already bent towards the Lord, she accepted this incredible and miraculous assignment. I wonder if, in those few seconds, she had a clue of the rough road ahead. Nonetheless, she had a heart open to trust and sacrifice:  I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true. She was inclined to believe and trust in the Lord’s plan.

With family and school events now behind and Christmas just a couple of days away, I am beginning to feel the space to breathe. And to wonder: what does the room of my heart and mind look like? Cluttered and chaotic? Or, clinging to hope and awaiting God’s arrival? I long to trust and be present like Mary.

I invite you to join me and do a little check of your own heart and will in these remaining days of Advent. Can you say with Mary, “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true?” What is needed to prepare Him room?

If you’d like to take a look at the lyrics of this song, you can check them out here: