Celebrating Terry Whitcomb

By Jessica Palmer, Marketing & Communications Manager, Cascades Camp & Conference Center

It goes without saying that this has been a year full of unexpected twists and turns here at Cascades. Yet amidst the great challenges that have surfaced in 2020, we can’t help but look back and see God’s faithfulness woven through it all. As we celebrate the conclusion of another year of ministry, we also find ourselves celebrating the conclusion of a beloved staff member’s time here at Cascades.

After 29 years of ministry, our Guest Services Manager Terry Whitcomb is retiring. If you’ve been around Cascades in any capacity over the years, you have almost surely been blessed by Terry – be it through a cup of coffee, a friendly greeting over the phone, an email granting your camper sponsorship money, special care in coordinating your group’s retreat, or countless other acts of service. Terry’s fingerprints are all over this place and its people, and we are thankful for her legacy!

Enjoy this small snapshot of Terry’s journey at Cascades over the years:

What were you and your family doing before you came to Cascades?

We lived in Wisconsin and attended a Covenant church there. My husband Paul worked for a building maintenance company, and I worked at a nursing home as an RN.

How did you originally find your way to Cascades?

Back in 1991, Paul saw an article in a Covenant newsletter advertising an opening for an Equestrian Manager at Cascades Camp & Conference Center in Yelm, WA. Paul thought he would be perfect, but I said, “You’re crazy – you’ll never get that job!” He wrote a letter to the Executive Director expressing his interest, and got a call to come out for an interview right away. We ended up moving to Cascades about four weeks later!

What “hats” have you worn during your time here at Cascades?

Pretty soon after we got to Cascades I started helping out in the office. I would enter registrations, mail out confirmation letters, do some filing – that sort of thing. Over time, I served as the camp nurse, worked in the kitchen as an assistant cook, and did some housekeeping. We eventually added our espresso stand and gift store, so I started helping out there, as well. I basically jumped in wherever I was needed – and of course, I was always a volunteer wrangler! I would often go out to Sunrise Ranch and help Paul with trail rides. My job became more administrative as time went on, and I filled the role of Registrar for many years. In 2017, I was ready for a change, so I took over as the Guest Services Manager.

What have you loved most about working at Cascades?

I love bringing people out here to see the beauty and experience the peace of God.

What’s your favorite memory from your time at Cascades?

I don’t know if I have a favorite – there are so many! One thing I will remember is praying together as a staff. I’ve never had another job where you begin the day by praying and reading God’s Word with your coworkers. I’ve never once felt disappointed that I had to come to work.

What are you looking forward to in retirement?

I plan to spend a lot of time with my grandchildren! Paul and I are also planning to do a bit of travel in our new truck. We hope to be able to see some of the country together.

Join us in celebrating Terry! If you feel so inclined, you’re welcome to send her an email at terrywhitcomb@cascadescamp.org to wish her well in retirement. Terry’s last day at Cascades will be December 11th, 2020.

Terry’s First Summer at Camp. She is on the top row fourth from the right.