Loving God, Loving Prayer: a 6- session online course

The purpose of this gathering is to inspire a greater commitment to prayer in the church by,

• Introducing a helpful resource and guide on prayer;

• Encouraging those who already love prayer to persist and invite others along;

• Equipping with ideas for prayer gatherings and experiences in the church.

The who this is for:

• Those who love prayer, or want to grow in prayer, and want to be encouraged.

• Those who desire to gain tools and ideas to facilitate opportunities in their church.

The content of each session will include:

• Discussion of the book “How to Pray: a simple guide for normal people” by Peter Greig.

• Time for prayer practice.

• Ideas for growing prayer in your church.

Meeting Dates on Zoom:

Fridays, March 14, 21, 28; April 4, 11, 18; 9:00 – 10:00am.

Order the book and read the Introduction and chapters 1-3 prior to the first meeting.

Questions? Email dawn@pacnwc.org

To RSVP, click below.
