Trinity Covenant Supports Community Through Distance Learning Program

By Erik Cave, Director of NextGen Ministries, PacNWC

Enjoy this interview with Jon Lemmond, Lead Pastor, and Cliff Herman, Director of Community Corner, at Trinity Covenant Church in Salem, OR as they share about their Distance Learning Program. Below are some highlights from this 10 minute interview:

  • Trinity has had an after school program, called Community Corner, for 17 years that was disrupted by the COVID-19 quarantine.
  • As Trinity prayed about how to care for people who are struggling in their community they decided to apply to the state to host an official Distance Learning Program which involved learning the Department of Education Guidelines for Health and Safety, hiring new staff, and training.
  • A surprise $14,000 grant arrived at the church from the state which helped them achieve their commitment to host the program at no charge to participants, which has been a big blessing to the parents.
  • The people of Trinity have been blessed through the opportunity to serve and their increased connection with children and families who are participating.
  • Each day volunteers warmly check in students and have been told by some that this is their favorite part of the day.
  • Trinity is working closely with the teachers and staff of nearby Liberty Elementary School which has led to deeper connection and relationship that has promise for the future.

Contact Jon and Cliff at if you have questions or would like to hear more about their ministry

Learn more about Trinity Covenant Church at