Sanctuary Remodel Brings Energy and Excitement to Lakebay Covenant

By Dan Whitmarsh, Lead Pastor, Lakebay Covenant Church

Easter 2021 was an exciting Sunday for the Lakebay Church. We gathered in the foyer to read John’s account of the resurrection and then, throwing open the doors of the sanctuary, we entered with shouts of “Christ is Risen,” celebrating Jesus’ victory over death and the grave.

There was added joy this year, however. Earlier in January we embarked on a project to remodel the sanctuary, and this was our first Sunday back in the newly renovated room.

Everybody who walks into the Lakebay sanctuary is struck by its warmth and beauty, with high wooden ceilings and windows looking out into a forest of maple and fir trees. Built in the 1970s, it has served the church and community well, but it had grown musty and dated.

Construction Zone at Lakebay Covenant

In the darkest days of Covid-19 restrictions, the church council decided to move forward with a much-needed project to refresh the room, so that we would be prepared and ready when the world reopened. We wanted to stake our claim that we were moving forward in ministry in spite of the world falling apart around us.

In the spirit of the men and women who built the sanctuary by hand, most of the work was done by current members and friends in the community. Mustard-colored pews were removed and replaced with comfortable new chairs. Carpet long stained by coffee spills, communion juice, and mud was swapped out for fresh, clean flooring. The platform was enlarged, creating more space for musicians and wedding parties. New paint covers the walls, with colors chosen to highlight the natural wood arches and ceiling, while accentuating the greenery outside. Projectors and a portable screen were replaced with a new video monitor. Artwork and other decorative features complete the space with a sense of comfort, welcome, and peace.

Most encouraging to me as the pastor was watching the men and women of Lakebay use their gifts and talents to see the project through. From deliberations about color schemes to days spent painting the walls, from developing technical drawings of a new stage to sawing wood and swinging hammers, the people of Lakebay showed up and served. Even a few neighbors who don’t regularly attend showed up to haul off pews and unload new chairs. Many donated generously to cover the cost of the work. It was a community effort from start to finish.

Lakebay’s Sanctuary Pre-Remodel

What had been a tired, musty, outdated room is now a clean and inviting space. It has brought new energy and excitement to the congregation, and we are praying that it will become a vibrant hub for the community, as well. It will be a beautiful room to host weddings, and convenient for concerts, public speakers, and community meetings. Through social media and word-of-mouth, we are letting the area know that we are still here, and ready to serve the world in the days and years to come.

As we approach Lakebay’s 100-year anniversary in 2025, we are praying that this building serves us, our community, and future generations for the glory of God and the good of this community.

A video of the project can be viewed at the link below

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