By Dawn Taloyo, Associate Superintendent, PacNWC

I was introduced to a new (to me) song this past Sunday during Trinity Covenant Church’s 4th Advent service: “Prepare Him Room” by Dave Fournier and Rebecca Elliott (2014). The title and chorus have remained with me through the week. I do a lot of preparing during this season. Two family members have birthdays this month in addition to THE Birthday celebration we are all preparing for. With all the shopping and planning and cooking and wrapping, I often feel like I’m barely catching my breath during the month of December. This year included the challenge of travel, a husband in school, and a daughter in wrestling practice until 6 pm every night. Many of our typical Advent traditions have gone missing.
But, in the quiet moments I found this morning, I meditated on these words from Mary: “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true.” (NLT)
My mind went to imagining what kind of presence Mary must have had that she could respond in this way. Granted, the text also says she was troubled and perplexed. That I understand. Yet, at the same time, she was able to hear the Angel’s reassurance and special message. There was room for both. There was room in her heart, mind, and soul to receive and respond to this amazing and life-changing announcement. Am I in such a place?
I particularly love the New Living Translation’s rendering of Mary’s response. There was room because first, Mary knew her identity: I am the Lord’s servant. She belonged to the Lord. She was devoted to the Lord. That was clear.
Second, Mary was willing. With a heart and posture already bent towards the Lord, she accepted this incredible and miraculous assignment. I wonder if, in those few seconds, she had a clue of the rough road ahead. Nonetheless, she had a heart open to trust and sacrifice: I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true. She was inclined to believe and trust in the Lord’s plan.
With family and school events now behind and Christmas just a couple of days away, I am beginning to feel the space to breathe. And to wonder: what does the room of my heart and mind look like? Cluttered and chaotic? Or, clinging to hope and awaiting God’s arrival? I long to trust and be present like Mary.
I invite you to join me and do a little check of your own heart and will in these remaining days of Advent. Can you say with Mary, “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true?” What is needed to prepare Him room?
If you’d like to take a look at the lyrics of this song, you can check them out here: