Ministry Opportunities for Your Church at Cascades

By Jessica Palmer, Program Director, Cascades Camp and Conference Center

Greetings from your friends at Cascades!

We just wrapped up our 30th summer of ministry here a few weeks ago, and we continue to celebrate and bask in all that God did in this place. Between all of our youth programs this summer, 236 campers renewed their commitment to Christ, 124 campers gave their life to Christ, and 242 campers sensed a call to ministry. Praise God!

It was a pleasure to see so many of your familiar Covenant faces throughout the summer – so thank you to those of you who attended our programs, served alongside us in some capacity, or prayed us through our busiest season of ministry.

“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 1:3-6

As you’re looking ahead to this coming winter and spring, I want to remind you that beyond summer programming and conference-wide events, Cascades offers a variety of ways to partner with you and your church. Retreats are a wonderful opportunity to step away from the rhythms and distractions of daily life and enter into a time of rest and fellowship with God and others.

Leadership & Cohort Retreats
Bring your church leadership team out for a retreat, or gather with a group of colleagues. Lodging is provided at $200* a night for your entire group. Meals are not included. Madrona Lodge provides space for up to 24 people in four bedrooms, with the common space including a kitchenette (bring your own serving and cookware). Reservations are based on availability. *Fee is waived for church plants for the first leadership retreat they book at Cascades.

Church Retreats
Planning a men’s, women’s, youth, or all-church retreat for your church? Big or small, we have a space for you. Various lodging options are available, with meals included in our dining room. Cost varies depending on the size and scope of your event, but all Covenant churches receive a 10% discount.

Now is the time to book, because holding a retreat between December 1st and February 15th is nearly 15% less than our peak season pricing. Contact our Guest Services Manager, Terry Whitcomb, for prices and scheduling.

We’ll hope to see your church out at Cascades this winter or spring!

[Click Here] to visit the Cascades Camp and Conference Center website