Introducing Thomas Goodfellow, Director of Student Ministries, Grace Community Covenant

By Erik Cave, Director of NextGen Ministries, PacNWC

Enjoy this interview with Thomas Goodfellow, the new Director of Student Ministries at Grace Community Covenant Church

What is your personal and ministry background?
I came to Christ at the age of nine, alongside an awesome older sister, following in the footsteps of an inspiring older brother. My parents both grew up in the church, but my siblings and I hadn’t. Church was new to me. My parents had been de-churched for years since the death of my oldest bother, but they came back at my sister’s insistence after she attended a VBS. Even though I was young, my faith was real, encouraging, and immediately energizing – I had been a particularly difficult kid, and Jesus actually changed that. Still, it took me a few years before I really dove into scripture, and began to realize that Jesus was serious when he said he came to give life to the fullest, life in real relationship with him. In my early teens I redevoted my life to Christ, and by the time I was seventeen it was obvious that God had me on a path to ministry.

I never expected to go into full time ministry; I always thought I’d serve bi-vocationally just like all the youth ministers I’d known growing up in England. To my surprise, in 2007 I felt a strong call from God to leave the secular college I was attending and pursue an education that would equip me for more ministry than I’d ever imagined. This lead me through a few separate degrees, and some awesome roles in ministry along the way – at one of which I met my wife, Erin, a fellow youth worker. I moved to the United States to marry her and finish my Bachelors and Masters at Moody Theological Seminary. Over the years, I’ve been a schools outreach worker in the UK, intern at the largest church in Wisconsin, served as a Youth Pastor on Whidbey Island, and as an Associate Pastor in Chicago, before God used covid to pave the path for us to join the ECC and our wonderful new community at Grace Community Covenant.

What are you passionate about in ministry right now?
My biggest passion has been pretty consistent for the last decade. I love getting to know God and people, while serving both.

How can we pray for you?
I think I need the same prayer every other minister needs right now – during covid we’re facing new challenges, and we need God’s guidance and support as much as ever. Pray for wisdom as I seek to meet the needs of our students, their families, and our community.

Five Things You didn’t Know about Thomas:

What is your personal philosophy?
A belief held within a bubble of sterile philosophy isn’t a belief at all, it’s a default setting…
I want to live in a world of questions (see for more context).

Where is your favorite place to be?
It’s not the best season for this, but my favorite place to be is in a coffee shop talking with friends both old and new.

What is your favorite thing to do?
Go on adventures with my amazing wife, Erin – anything from getting coffee to exploring new places.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
Is there a job that involves puppies, coffee, and hanging out with my wife?

Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?
I’m an immigrant, so after several years away from my homeland, traveling back to England spend time with my amazing grandparent and my sister’s family and meet my new niece was probably the best.

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