Introducing Lynette Sanchez

By Erik Cave, Director of NextGen Ministries, PacNWC

Enjoy this interview with Lynette Sanchez, the new Pastor to Children at Countryside Community Church in Sherwood, OR

What is your personal and ministry background?
I grew up in Wisconsin and Illinois as the youngest of three kids and in a family of faith. I have known God’s presence since a young age and have experienced his sustaining grace and love. I met my husband, Jon, on a missions trip to Europe in 2000. We have been married for fifteen years and have three kids: Ari (10), Noa (7), and Ava (4).

I first felt called to ministry while serving as a youth ministry intern in West Des Moines, Iowa. The call for the church to be Christ’s ambassadors to the world and even to reveal God’s wisdom to heavenly beings astounds me. It is a passion for me to guide those in my community to understand this calling and live into it. I have served in youth and children’s ministry for more than fifteen years and now currently serve the children and families at Countryside Community Church in Sherwood, Oregon. Before coming to Countryside, I served as the Pastor to Children at West Hills Covenant in Portland and Associate Children’s Director at Peninsula Covenant in Redwood City, California, where I was first introduced to the Covenant.

What are you passionate about in ministry right now?
My desire for children is that they would develop Scripture as a native language, encounter God in deep ways, and find belonging and love in their church community. This past year has upended so many of the ways we partner with families. After such a difficult year, I’m interested in how I can come alongside families to address the trauma we’ve all experienced and find healing and rest moving forward.

How can we pray for you?
Please pray for wisdom and discernment as I lead in this new call and coming out of a crazy year. Also, as for all parents right now, for rest and restoration for my own soul and spirit after being stretched so thin from the pandemic.

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Lynette:
What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

As a Sunday School teacher I know the answer is Jesus. But when I’m trying to get my kids off to school early in the morning, the close second is coffee.

What is the one thing you cannot resist?
A chance to bake after finding a new recipe that looks delicious or even a bit of a challenge.

Where is your favorite place to be?
London, England. I lived down the road from Buckingham Palace for a semester in college and absolutely loved being there. I dream of returning since I haven’t been back since!

What is your favorite thing to do?
Read and research. I love every opportunity I get to prepare a sermon, because I can focus and dive deep on a passage then find ways to help others connect with God through it.

What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
I have a degree in magazine journalism and had planned to go into publishing before attending seminary. I think I’d be writing or editing and down the road hope to teach at the university level.

[Click Here] to visit Lynette’s Facebook Page

[Click Here] to visit Countryside’s Web Page