Introducing Katie Hutchinson, New Youth Pastor at Selah Covenant Church

By Erik Cave, Director of NextGen Ministries, PacNWC

Enjoy this interview with Katie Hutchinson, the new Youth Pastor at Selah Covenant Church

What is your personal and ministry background?

I am 21-years-old and a Selah, Washington native! I moved here with my mom, older brother, and older sister when I was 2-years-old and have called it “home” ever since. We were a church-going family and I loved it. I can’t remember where and when, but I dedicated my life to Jesus at a very young age and never turned back.

However, it wasn’t until sophomore year of high school that it really became personal. I began attending youth group at Yakima Foursquare Church and pressing in more than ever before, immersing myself in church as much as possible. Finally, at my last summer camp (as a student), just two weeks before leaving for college, I was called into ministry. After leaving camp, I switched my major to one in theology with a focus in ministerial leadership and left for Seattle Pacific University. While I loved SPU, I felt unsettled during my time there and felt a pull from God to go back home. After finishing out fall quarter, I moved back home and began interning at Yakima Foursquare with the children’s, youth, and young adult programs for a little over a year. After interning, I was offered the position as the Preteen Pastor, which I gladly accepted and held for nearly 2 years, before being hired on as the Youth Pastor at Selah Covenant Church. During my time at Yakima Foursquare, I met my amazing husband, Jonathan, who was the worship pastor at the time. We have been happily married for nearly 8 months now and just added a small pup to our little family!

What are you passionate about in ministry right now?

I am passionate about communicating true, authentic, Christ-like love to the youth of this generation. If my exposure to young people over the last few years of ministerial work has taught me anything, it is that these youth crave authenticity, especially in the form of love. Too often I am seeing kids coming from broken homes, dealing with serious mental health issues, and turning to unhealthy sources of coping. I want to be a pastor who empowers other leaders to press in. I want to be a pastor who answers those 3 AM phone calls and reminds that child that there is someone advocating and praying for them. I want to be a reflection of who Jesus is, and I want these kids to know who Jesus is.

Youth group changed my life the minute I walked in as a sophomore because my youth pastor at the time invested in me. Him and his wife invited me into their family and taught me what it looks like and feels like to receive and give Christ-like love to those who need it. Right now, I know of too many kids who feel unsafe or unloved for a multitude of reasons. I want to remind them that there is someone who loves them in ways they could never even imagine, and that that is reason enough to press on and tell the world of that same love.

How can we pray for you?

Prayers for my family are greatly appreciated! My husband and I just transitioned from a church we called home for 7 years, and while change is amazing and we trust that this is a God-led thing, there is always a period of transition that feels uncomfortable in different ways. Beyond that, please be praying for our students! This pandemic has affected a lot of things and a lot of people in different ways, but my heart is breaking right now for the young people I get to serve, and the ones I have never met. And of course, prayer for our community as we rise out of this; that God would bring a change like never before and we would begin to see a new Israel.

Five things you didn’t know about Katie:

One thing I couldn’t live without:

One thing I could not live without is water. Yes, I know that is quite literal, but I also LOVE water more than any other beverage. If I haven’t drank 2 of my 40-ounce hydro flasks in a day, something is definitely wrong…

One thing I cannot resist:

One thing I cannot resist is a sweet treat. Whether it’s candy, ice cream, pastries, or fruit, I have a big sweet tooth. It drives my husband bonkers when I bring candy into the house!

The career I would choose if not this one:

If I had a career other than this one, I would probably be a teacher or a social worker. I love kids so much and can’t imagine not working closely with them.

What I would most like to tell 13 year old Katie:

I would tell 13-year-old me two things: 1. Stop plucking your eyebrows to non-existence, you’ll regret it later. 2. Beauty is not dictated by a number on the scale or what you look like in the mirror.

The best book I have ever read:

The best book I have ever read is hands down The Diary of Anne Frank. I love WWII history, and I love the honesty of her entries. I first read it in 4th grade and have read it dozens of times since.

[Click Here] to visit Katie’s profile on Facebook

[Click Here] to visit Selah Covenant’s web page