By Greg Yee, Superintendent, PacNWC
Happy New Years! I trust you were able to avoid the weather and travel craziness these past two weeks and that you had a safe and wonderful Christmas and close to 2022. We will be sending out my annual letter to churches for your semi/annual meetings soon. I am including it here in The Catch to add to our distribution:
On behalf of the conference executive board and staff, New Year’s blessings to you as you gather for your semi-annual/annual meetings. We pray that this year has started with a palpable and enduring sense of God’s presence and power; that whatever you may be facing, your faith is stretching and your hope deepening. We pray that you continue to witness the guidance of the Spirit as you pray and discern as you follow Jesus. During these reorienting and sometimes very challenging times, may God richly bless you and give you all the gifts of the Spirit needed for all that God calls you into. May you continually draw from his abundance.
Every year I am reminded again of the gift we have within the incredibly diverse collection of 75 churches and over 180 ministers that make up the conference. From Bellingham to Eugene and from Cannon Beach to Helena, we partner together to support each and explore new ministry opportunities. We start new churches together like we currently are in Bellevue, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, and Boise (yes we’re back in Idaho!). God is continuing to guide us together into our gospel vision to be a mosaic of churches working interdependently together to transform lives and communities. Thank you for your partnership in all of this and for what you bring to the beautiful tapestry that is the PacNWC.
This year’s annual meeting will be April 27-29 in Spokane hosted by 3 churches. This will be a hybrid meeting, but we hope that you join us in person as we are planning different opportunities to experience Spokane and enjoy the many wonderful offerings in the Lilac City. For ministers, we are also adding an extra day for a special continuing ed and fun time together. Thursday, the ministerium will meet at The Gathering House (previously First Spokane). Friday meetings, workshops, meals, and our prayer/worship time will be at City Covenant (previously Communitas). And our annual meeting will be Saturday at Immanuel. I’m already looking forward to being together. Hope to see you there!
God bless you as you embark on this new year. We are deeply grateful for your partnership and look forward to what God will lead us into together.
Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day!
1 Chronicles 16:23
Great is His Faithfulness,
Greg Yee, Superintendent