Gratitude’s Light

By Greg Yee, Superintendent, PacNWC

I’m feeling the extremes of our human experience as I gather myself for this entry.  Yesterday, Mary and I joined a unity march in Tacoma put on by the Chinese Reconciliation Project Foundation.  The weather was incredible and there was light shining on the city as people came together to seek peace and solidarity.  Yet within the day, I also was shocked by the overwhelmingly tragic news from Seoul.  It felt especially close as I was just there on holiday in August.  Deep, deep sadness.

It was also so good to be together today with my neighbors for our annual HOA Halloween gathering.  There were many good connections: new neighbors, telling stories, and sharing pictures.  I hadn’t met two of my neighbors’ new babies yet.  They were absolutely perfect.  I’m also sitting with news in the last two weeks about the diagnosis of degenerative brain diseases from two colleagues.  I had never heard of these cruel diseases before. The news is so unexpected and devastating. 

I’ve spoken to pastors and Leadership Teams this past month about encouraging growth, many newcomers/members, strong finances, and new opportunities.  One church just restarted their men’s Bible study and there has been one person who has given their life to Christ in 3 of the last 4 weeks!  One of our immigrant churches is also working with a global partner to host a revival conference next year!  But we also have three churches that have concluded their ministries this past year (Bridge Salem, Grace Bremerton, and Disciple Bellevue).  We received the notification from the Covenant Executive Board about Quest and there are other churches that are discussing if the ECC is the right denominational home (with varying reasons).  Most attendance and budget numbers are down.  The conference is projecting a 15% reduction in shared mission giving and our attendance report has our aggregate number down by about 30%.

Many transitions are happening among our clergy.  Clear Lake has called Rev. Jeannette Conver!  Arlington United has called Rev. Ieisha Hawley!  Milwaukie has called Bruce Bruns!  Other searches and discernment processes continue at Bethany, Evergreen, Wiley Heights, and Valley.  Emerald City Bible just got word that Rev Harvey Drake is retiring next year.  There are other pastors that are considering transitions; some that make sense and others that discourage me. 

The extremes of the human experience can be emotionally stretching.  And we know that our emotions affect us physically and spiritually. 

Whatever you are carrying these days personally or as a church, God invites us this month to focus on thankfulness.  It’s something we should be working on every day, all year, really, but we highlight it this month.  It is ironic that November’s decreasing physical light (the “big dark”) is also a month that invites us into increasing spiritual light through gratitude.

And let us remember that there are forces/beings that are literally, constantly looking to snuff this/us out.  It tries to reach out of the pit of darkness and lasso us to drag us in.  But this power is powerless in the presence of Christ.

My son and his two roommates kept a large “thanksgiving jar” on their counter.  They practiced this gratitude thing by attempting to put something they were grateful for on a slip of paper every day and contribute it to the jar.  For you contemplatives, it was a type of Examen of sorts.  Recently when they moved out and parted ways, it was a moving experience for them to read all of these slips to each other.  This part of their journey together will stand out as a life highlight despite some profoundly challenging chapters they each walked through.  The floodlight of thankfulness from this jar will stay on in their cores. 

Giving thanks in the extremes and everything in between is what God wants for us.  It’s actually His will and desire for us.  It’s good for our souls.  It’s the light that stays on. 

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Friends, I want to encourage you to hang onto light.  Lately, I have been lighting a candle every time I sit down with my laptop.  It reminds me of Christ’s presence and the light he brings into our dark world around me.  May the light of Christ fill this day as you practice gratitude.