By Rev. Sharon Anderson, retired Covenant Pastor and Spiritual Director
“What is God inviting me into this next season?” “How might my gifts and experiences intersect with God’s kingdom work?” “Am I really being called to serve as a pastor?”
These were some of the questions raised as a group of twelve women gathered for the Exploring Call Retreat at Dumas Bay Center this past November. We came from eight different conference churches and represented a wide range of ages, all gathered to discern possible steps forward in vocational ministry. While the ECC has ordained women for ministry since 1976, there haven’t always been spaces where women can seriously consider the Spirit’s leading toward pastoral ministry. Our 44-hour retreat provided a rich opportunity to learn, worship, pray, and laugh together as we listened to the Spirit and to one another.
“I loved hearing the clergy ‘call’ stories and being surrounded by a diverse group of women loving Jesus in all kinds of ways,” expressed one participant. We engaged in teaching sessions, creative activities, listening prayer, and small groups that opened hearts and explored possibilities for vocational ministry. Another woman described how helpful it was to “have community…assist in validating your call or giving insight to your concerns.” The retreat provided open time for walks, crafting, spiritual direction and just resting, all in a beautiful retreat setting overlooking the Puget Sound.
This is the third time the Exploring Call Retreat has been hosted in our conference, and the first time we were able to gather in person after online options during the pandemic. I am grateful for the leadership of our associate superintendent, Rev. Dawn Taloyo, as she champions this experience for women in the Pacific Northwest Conference. The retreat team leaders – Rev. Amy Muia, Rev. Sharon Anderson, and Rev. Nancy Sugikawa –blessed us by walking alongside women who are paying attention to God’s call on their lives. We are already planning the next Exploring Call retreat for November 2023. What women might you invite to consider a call to ministry?