by David Robinson, Lead Pastor, Cannon Beach Community Church
On March 28-30, twelve Covenant pastors and ministry leaders from the Pacific Northwest Conference got away “to a quiet place” on a three day contemplative retreat just before Holy Week. A Quiet Place, sponsored by the PacNWC Ministerium, was held at Mount Angel Abbey, in Mount Angel, Oregon. Pastors came from Oregon and all over Washington to attend this retreat, including some who drove six or seven hours to attend.
The retreat sessions explored ways to pray the Psalms, practice lectio divina, and live by a Rule of Life. I offered a picture of a vineyard trellis system as an image of how a Rule of Life provides the structure our lives need to bear much fruit, as Jesus promises in John 15. Retreatants affirmed the importance of reviewing, revising, or refreshing their Rule, and seeking new ways of living daily according to a Rule of Life. Retreatants were invited to attend any of the monastic worship services each day, known as Liturgy of the Hours, including Vigils, Lauds, Midday, Vespers, and Compline.
We enjoyed sharing life together over excellent meals at the beautiful, newly renovated Abbey Guesthouse, and stayed in elegant Guesthouse private retreat rooms. We also enjoyed time together basking in the sun over craft beverages at Benedictine Brewery, a short walking distance from the Abbey.
Those who came to A Quiet Place Retreat expressed gratitude for having time. We were grateful to join with others who shared a common interest in contemplative life. Retreatants enjoyed getting to know Benedictine monk, Brother Cyril, who offered rich insights into spiritual contemplative disciplines from forty years in the monastery. We also celebrated ecumenical dialogue and unity in Christ, as we explored shared spiritual vision and practices between Catholics and Covenanters during informal conversations with our Benedictine brother.
A Quiet Place Retreat provided sweet time for quiet prayer, study, reading, taking walks, spending time in the beautiful monastic library, naps, enjoying a cup of coffee at the Abbey Coffeeshop, browsing the Abbey bookstore, or walking stations of the cross on the Abbey grounds. We hope you’ll consider joining us in 2024 on A Quiet Place retreat.