The Heart of Mission Friendship

By Greg Yee, Superintendent, Pacific Northwest Conference

As we prepare for Gather 21, our denominational annual meeting, I want to share some highlights for delegates and non-attenders alike. Recognizing the complexities of a denominational-wide annual meeting, our first ever online meeting will not be on the familiar Zoom platform. Rather, our leaders have turned to a company, AGM Convene, that specializes in helping organizations run online annual meetings and have had an impressive track record of success. 

We are a mission movement. Our annual gatherings are a beautiful time for us to recognize and celebrate our shared work together; what God led us into. It’s a time to experience the spirit of group discernment and collaboration. It’s a time for us to wrestle with difficult matters and to do the work of the church. 

I know some of us are not very excited about meetings and the formal structures of a denominational organization. I know some of us just flat out love meetings. We need it all. The trajectory and lived experience of joining God in his work in our communities and in the world is that we have Acts 2 seasons were we are in the throes of ministry and activity. “I don’t have time for meetings or organizational stuff, I’m busy doing ministry!” Is often heard.

We also know that the trajectory and the lived experience of joining God in his work also involves seasons like Acts 6 or 15. It’s when we run into the challenges of ministry activity and God calls us to organize, create systems, appoint leaders, discuss, have meetings, pray, discern, and decide on tough matters of ministry and life together. 

To be clear, this doesn’t mean that we should seek to have tons of (unnecessary) meetings.  But what I am saying is that all of this is necessary for good mission work together. It is at the heart of mission friendship. 

Please find background information and supporting documents/videos from the ECC here

Highlights for Gather 21:

  • Lifetime Achievement Awards – We honor seven of our clergy who have offered lifetimes of faithful service and godly obedience this year: Sharon Anderson (Sammamish), Steve Bilynskyj (Eugene), Merrie Carson (Renton), Kent Egging (Mt. Vernon), David Husby (La Connor), Rona Husby (La Connor), and Vicki Lund (Stanwood).  Congratulations! 
  • New Member Churches – Bread & Wine Covenant Church (Portland) and St. Thomas Covenant Church (Salem) join 13 other churches as they become our newest churches.  You’re finally official! 
  • T.W. Anderson Award – This is given to one outstanding layperson each year. Nancy Karlson (2020) and Romeo Gonzalez (2021) will be recognized. Please read their stories.  Also know that it was our turn as a conference to assemble a team to review the nominees and choose a finalist.  Our team was thrilled to do this work!
  • Irving Lambert Award – It was an absolute surprise when I was presented with this award last year for urban/multiethnic ministry. It is my conviction that we have been on an amazing journey in the Covenant. God has stretched and woven us together to be a mosaic of people and churches answering his call in a divided and broken world. This award is received recognizing so many – many of you – that were so instrumental alon the way and who also share my biblical convictions in the whole mission of the church.
  • Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery – As we lean into our life together as a multi-ethnic denomination, we recognize that there are some painful parts of our history as the church particularly as it relates to Indigenous People. The Covenant’s Christian Action Commission has been working on a repudiation for this church-originated doctrine for the past few years. I’m encouraged that we are finally bringing it to the attention of the Covenant family and taking action on it. I am also proud of two of our very own Lenore Three Stars (Immanuel, Spokane) and Rev. Jim Sequeira (Cascade View, Vancouver) who have been key leaders in this work. Please find resources and an excellent 4-minute introductory video here
  • Ordination Service – With Gather 2020 being canceled, this year’s ordination service will include 9 of our ministers: 6 from 2020 and 3 for this year. We will have our ordinands at Cascade with their families and loved ones as we collectively celebrate the laying on of hands and the vows taken of our ministers virtually with the rest of the Cov family. My anointed colleague, Superintendent Rev Dr. Catherine Gilliard (Southeast Conference) will be the ordination speaker. Join us online! 

So no matter if you’re a delegate or not, a meeting-lover or not, I trust that Gather 21 might be an encouragement to you as we hear even more highlights about our shared global work, ministries around compassion and justice, how we’ve made disciples of all ages, and so much more. God is moving among us!

But maybe most of all, after such an eventful year, where we might be finding ourselves right now amidst so many challenges, it’s always good to be with family.  We’ve experienced so much loss and are still disoriented in so many ways.  It’s always good to be together to worship our great protector and the one who watches over us. 

I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night. The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.

Psalms 121:1-8 NLT

[Click Here] for all information and to register for Gather 2021