The In Between

The realities that hang in between Solomon’s time for everything, and a season for every [activity/event/matter] under heaven reminds us of our human experience.  We know it all too well these days.  Our hearts cry out as we see a seemingly growing number of heinous acts.  The fruit of hatred ripens as so many voices water its roots.  And along the way, too many people choose to stay isolated, ignorant, and ill.  Have mercy on us O God….

So many realities hanging between born and die…kill and heal…tear down and rebuild….weep and laugh…mourn and dance…  Solomon says, I have seen the burden God has laid on humans.  But then he moves to He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of people…I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.  Man, God, we’re desperately counting on that…

So much hangs in between these experiences.  But under, around, beside, above and penetrating through and through, we remember this truth.  Because of Christ, we are infused with the same power that raised Christ from the dead (Eph. 1:20)!  Our tanks are filled with resurrection jet fuel for life as we live as the church.  We don’t exist to stay isolated, ignorant, or ill.  I love The Voice paraphrase that shouts out, There is nothing over Him. He’s above all rule, authority, power, and dominion; over every name invoked, over every title bestowed in this age and the next. God has placed all things beneath His feet and anointed Him as the head over all things for His church. This church is His body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all.

We dare not live in a mindset of scarcity.  Check us if we ever stay in despair.  The hope that comes from the empty tomb and the actual indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our very bodies, compels us to turn up the lights and fan the flames. It moves us from the in-between hanging that makes up our broken world to remember we are Christ’s Church.  And God call us into all this world’s brokenness to bring his change and transformation.  Turn off the news and the newsfeeds.  Open your Bibles, pray and fast.  Go out and be the church like never before.  Resurrection and Holy Spirit POWER be with you.